How do you monitor a tidal river?

If water samples are taken from a river at 9am on consecutive days, it is reasonable to be able to directly compare analytical results,...

Sponsored Content: Improving control and yield in gravity thickeners

Instrumentation firm VEGA Controls looks at performance issues that can arise with an aspect of automation that is a popular fixture in the water...

Sponsored content: Non-invasive clamp-on flow measurement of sludge lines

Flow measurement expert Katronic's ultrasonic clamp-on flowmeters measure 16 RAS/SAS (returned/surplus activated sludge) lines in pipes up to 85 years old, in a large...

Sponsored content: 80GHz radar level sensors are compact and low cost

VEGA introduces the latest FMCW 80 GHz non-contact radar level technology for the water industry – using their very own radar level microchip, to deliver excellent performance and a low price that represents a real alternative to ultrasonic level sensors

Scottish utility water testers’ robotic helping hand

An Edinburgh science hub has a new helping hand – a-state-of-the art automated robot which is being used to test water quality. The...

Consultancy awarded the contract for COVID-19 school sewage surveillance

Aqua Enviro, a SUEZ company, is to be part of a consortium on an important new project, known as TERM*, that is looking for...

Case study: Designing bespoke analytical trailers to measure wastewater

The need for a bespoke monitoring system led utility firm Northumbrian Water to the development of a pair of towable trailers equipped with analytical...
Expertise in water

SPONSORED CONTENT: Expertise in water and wastewater analysis

As a leading manufacturer of instruments for chemical analysis, Metrohm Process Analytics offers state-of-the-art systems and complete solutions that allow easy and cost-saving monitoring of your water samples.

IoT expedites leak detection

Yorkshire Water and partners are nearing completion of the deployment of almost 4000 acoustic, flow, pressure and water quality monitors in what is said to be the UK’s largest smart water network pilot

Keeping track of microplastic

Microplastics seem an ever-increasing blight in waterways, but methods to measure them are evolving, and experts believe no single technology will fill this gap

Real-time access to Antarctic tide data

One of the most important challenges, when designing monitoring facilities in remote locations, is resilience. Remote tide gauge systems operate in extremely harsh environments...

Post pandemic environmental monitoring

By Matt Dibbs, Managing Director of Meteor Communications, a firm that designs, builds and installs remote environmental monitoring systems. The Coronavirus pandemic presented significant challenges...

Satellite telemetry supports flood protection in Scotland

Water monitoring expert OTT Hydromet explains some of the practicalities behind a recent project In recent years the development of flood warning systems has benefited...
Eliquo Hydrok have added two new Mecana technologies to their existing Pile Cloth Media Filtration (PCMF) systems available for the UK Water and Wastewater markets.

Sponsored content: Introducing two new Mecana Systems in the UK

Eliquo Hydrok have added two new Mecana technologies to their existing Pile Cloth Media Filtration (PCMF) systems available for the UK Water and Wastewater markets
Woods and pond

Monitoring for flood management

Climate projections for the UK suggest that rainfall will increase in winter and decrease in summer, and that individual rainfall events may increase in intensity, especially in winter. This paradigm predicates an increased risk of flooding.
yellow tanks and measuring instrument

Sponsored Content: Clamp-on flow meters: Installation guidance

With the recent high growth in the ultrasonic clamp flow metering market, many users are turning to the clamp on meter for a quick and easy solution for often difficult to measure, fluid applications.

Sponsored content: Versatile data logging

Tinytag Instrumentation data loggers can be connected to a variety of third-party sensors

Radar reaches a new level

Radar offers many performance advantages, although cost and complexity has restricted its use. All that could be changing now
water monitor

Optimising ecotoxicology

Postnova Analytics has posted a webinar on how advanced analytical techniques are impacting the field of nanogeochemistry.

LIMS improves water testing efficiency

A new case study has been published by Autoscribe Informatics which apparently shows how the Culligan Analytical Lab in Illinois, US has made significant improvements in laboratory efficiency by using the Matrix Gemini LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System).