Concrete effluent tank helps hospital meet standards

A Sealwall tank manufactured by Whites Concrete has become part of Rampton Hospital’s new Energy Centre in Nottinghamshire. The pre-cast concrete Sealwall Tank is a...

Drilling down to details

Geothermal energy plants could address all of the UK's heating requirements, according to a number of estimates. Whatever the reality of such claims, the...

Re-design for energy recovery units

ATLAS Copco has announced a complete re-design of the stand-alone, retrofit energy recovery units for its GA compressors. The new ER range now offers...

Sacré bleu: French heat pump costs blow hole in ‘nonsense’ UK government policy

The evidence of what French consumers are paying for heat pumps "blows a hole in UK government policy" in relation to the low-carbon heating...

Government backs Big Data trial on district heat networks

Advanced algorithms could be used to dramatically improve the energy efficiency of district heat networks, according to a proposal submitted to DECC by smart...

Comment: “A move away from ‘fabric first’ is a step in the wrong direction”

Paul Spence calls for caution when it comes to promoting the idea that heat pumps should be installed regardless of a property's energy efficiency...

Cost of grid-supplied electricity makes decarbonisation of heat generation unviable says report

Energy consultancy Cornwall Insight and the Confederation for Paper Industries (CPI) have released a joint report examining the barriers energy intensive industries are facing...

How to get salt out of water: Make it self-eject

Crystallizing salts can grow 'legs,' then tip over and fall away, potentially helping to prevent fouling of metal surfaces, researchers say About a quarter of...

City-scale heat networks needed to decarbonise heat in Scottish cities, says report by industry...

Scotland needs to urgently change the way it heats its cities and towns if it is to meet the Scottish Government’s target of decarbonising...

Scheme pilots district heating monitoring in social housing

LONDON-based housing association Octavia Housing has teamed up with green energy specialist Guru Systems for a project that will use the latter’s smart metering...

Trade body urges industry to prepare for heat pumps demand

Electrotechnical and engineering services body ECA is urging the industry to fully engage with Government initiatives to decarbonise heat, including the new Boiler Upgrade...

Cogeneration electricity supplier opts for a sustainable retrofit

As part of its efforts to achieve net zero fossil carbon dioxide emissions, Swedish electricity supplier Mälarenergi has partnered with engineering firm ABB to...

Offshore geothermal pegged as game-changing baseload resource by white paper

A white paper outlines the potential of offshore geothermal energy as a green energy resource of global significance and sets out a framework for...

Heat exchangers used on Zero Liquid Discharge system

Sponsored content: Zero liquid discharge (ZLD) treats liquid waste streams, converting them into clean water (which can be reused) and a minimum volume of solid residues...

Low-hanging fruit for savings?

Circulator pumps in central heating systems provide 200 million opportunities globally to improve energy efficiency, according to new research from energy technology firm Grundfos.

A lifeline for pools? “Digital boilers” provide innovative rethink of waste heat reuse

Swimming pools threatened with closure because of skyrocketing heating bills could get a reprieve from a new technology for waste heat reuse that is...

Heat-from-wastewater joint venture reveals leisure centre heating project

In the first project to be delivered by a new joint venture between Scottish Water Horizons and SHARC Energy Systems and one of the...

Regulation of heat networks could fail consumers, cautions consumer group

The 900,000 heat network consumers in the UK will judge regulation to have failed if it does not deliver cheaper, fairer and more reliable...

Planning bid goes in for CHP plant

A planning application has been submitted for a combined heat and power plant in Northamptonshire to provide energy for homes and businesses. Origin Renewable Energy...

UK firms supply parts and expertise for lauded Richgro AD plant in Western Australia

Pumps and mixers manufacturer Landia offers a rundown of the details of its involvement with Richgro's widely acclaimed AD plant in Jandakot, Western Australia,...