Planning order removes consent requirement for adding solar to homes in Chelsea and Kensington

Residents in Kensington and Chelsea will no longer need to apply for individual consent to have solar panels fitted on their listed homes in...

Sustainable solar oven allows rural communities to cook without coal or firewood

A new design for a solar cooking system may help rural communities prepare food more sustainably, reports a new study. The materials used in...

Pre-eminent projects crowned at Scottish Green Energy Awards

More than 1,000 people returned in-person to Edinburgh to see 13 winners announced Director of industry body said shortlist highlighted the “leaps of innovation” of...

Shortlist for Scottish Green Energy Awards sees tidal, hydro, heat and more vie for...

Finalists announced on 5 October in 11 categories Gravity, indigenous crofters and in-turbine toilets are all key parts of projects which have been shortlisted for...

Scottish Green Energy Awards return to Edinburgh in December

This year’s event will return as an in-person awards ceremony which will comply with the latest government guidelines to ensure the health and safety of guests.

World-first trial paves the way for new renewable energy market

Innovative trials on the South East’s electricity network have seemingly set the foundations for a world-first short-term market for renewable energy sources. Power...

UK solar industry set to double in size by 2030, but needs to treble...

UK industry body sets out plan for government ambition to align with Climate Change Committee recommendations 40GW of solar capacity could deliver 13,000...

Waste compacting firm boosts connectivity with small cell rollout

A supplier of solar-powered waste compacting technology, Bigbelly, will contribute to enhancing wireless connectivity across UK cities via an integrated pole and antenna solution,...

Solar-powered computers to accelerate digital literacy in Madagascar

A new partnership aims to deliver solar-powered computers to 10,000 children a year across schools in Madagascar and East Africa. The computers will go...

Research promises to reduce toxicity of broken perovskite solar cells

Scientists at The University of Manchester say they have found a way to increase the environmental safety of perovskite solar cells, thereby boosting their...

Robots use solar-powered “skin” that mimics the sense of touch

An early-view paper published in the journal IEEE Transactions on Robotics describes how a robotic hand wrapped in a solar-cell "skin" is capable of...

World’s largest battery storage facility will power The Red Sea Project with clean energy...

A development on the west coast of Saudi Arabia is to become the world’s largest battery storage facility and is part of an initiative...

New research reveals smart homes can flatten peak demand

Mass adoption of solar, battery storage and intelligent controls would improve grid resilience, cut carbon and reduce energy bills New research undertaken by Loughborough University...

“Solar Water ATMs” bring business model that could improve access to clean water in...

Access to clean water remains a significant problem in Africa, yet smartphones are widespread throughout the continent. Introducing mobile payment to solar-powered water purification...

New year, new savings for solar, as tariffs for grid export return

The Smart Export Guarantee came into force on 1 January, obligating large energy suppliers to offer a tariff to small-scale solar generators who export...

Solar Trade Association calls on government to cease publishing inaccurate deployment stats

The Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) published its latest figures on solar PV deployment in the UK on 26 September

Solar PV firm partners with Welsh utility on phase 2 of their Renewable Energy...

Welsh Water has appointed solar PV expert HBS New Energies as one of the principal PV contractors to deliver phase 2 of its Glas...

University of Birmingham and International Solar Alliance help ‘sun-rich’ farmers

The International Solar Alliance (ISA) and the University of Birmingham are working together to help farmers in ‘sun-rich’ countries make the most of chilled...

Rail operator and infrastructure services provider achieve 97% diesel-free ‘Site of the Future’

A project led by Network Rail and Colas Rail has used solar lighting and power generation to prove the viability of a sustainable ‘Site...

Industry associations call on HMRC to scrap proposed VAT changes for energy saving materials

HMRC proposals add further headache for industry, says STA, which is calling on government to protect ‘smart’ homes market HMRC is proposing fundamentally changing the...