CSO Technik Ltd and Ennox Biogas Technology GmbH

AD deal

CSO Technik Ltd and Ennox Biogas Technology GmbH have agreed a partnership that will see CSO appointed sole UK distributor for the Ennox range...

Concrete water tanks resist chemical erosion

Around 24 tonnes of materials have been provided by concrete repair manufacturer Flexcrete Technologies Limited for a refurbishment project at Ashford Water Treatment Works...

Thermal cameras spot leaks in tanks

DESIGNED as a preventative maintenance solution for the oil and gas industry, the GF320 Optical Gas Imaging (OGI) camera from FLIR Systems provides an...

Shimadzu UK Ltd launches world’s fastest

Shimadzu UK Ltd is launching the world’s fastest LC-MS/MS, the LCMS-8040, which offers users increased levels of productivity as it enables laboratories to run...
Jim Mills, a particulate monitoring specialist from Air Monitors Ltd, believes ambient dust monitoring technology has taken a major step forward with the development of a new Fine Dust Analysis System (FIDAS)

Step forward with fine dust system

Jim Mills, a particulate monitoring specialist from Air Monitors Ltd, believes ambient dust monitoring technology has taken a major step forward with the development...

Sponsored content: Mobile tech boosts health and safety

Water conservation specialist Aqualogic has deployed the latest mobile workforce management technology to help locate and manage millions of pounds of water company assets
UNTHA shredder

Shredder assists recycling boost

Oxfordshire-based M&M Waste Solutions says it will boost its recycling recovery rates in 2019, thanks to the installation of a new UNTHA shredder

Sealant chosen for garden

Winn & Coales (Denso) Ltd has supplied Densoseal 16A™ for the prevention of water ingress via cable entry ducts in the switch room and power stations on site .

Protection for bridge pipework

Winn & Coales Denso Steelcoat 100/400/700 system was recently chosen by South Staffs Water to give long-term protection to a pipebridge over the river...

Denso selected for garden

As part of refurbishment works at the Royal Horticultural Society’s Garden at Wisley in Surrey, Winn & Coales (Denso) Ltd has supplied Densoseal 16A™
Ibai Castezubi

Recruits bring environmental expertise

Environmental monitoring and management specialist enitial has appointed two employees with expertise in the air quality sector and solar energy to develop and improve...

Noise check

WHEN 24-hour real time measurement of noise and vibration levels was required by construction firm McLaughlin & Harvey for a building project at Kings...

Fast tank cleaners save water

When cleaning tanks and other similar storage vessels, spray balls are acknowledged as being an inexpensive, yet effective method. However, with industry more focused...

Sponsored content: Non-invasive clamp-on flow measurement of sludge lines

Flow measurement expert Katronic's ultrasonic clamp-on flowmeters measure 16 RAS/SAS (returned/surplus activated sludge) lines in pipes up to 85 years old, in a large...

Making a finer oil: How filtering innovations are easing the process of recycling cooking...

Cooking oil recycling has evolved a little in the past decade or so. Traditional technologies made it difficult to filter used oils consistently and...

Water savings from Berson

Berson supplied an InLine+ UV disinfection system to a supernatant recycling system used in the filtration plant of Bathurst Regional Council’s recycling system in...

Protecting wind turbines

ATLANTIC Wind Services (MCR) of Manchester has recently completed the base foundation, infrastructure and other civil works for a new onshore wind turbine at...
Foam cylinders force out debris

Foam cylinders force out debris

Derby-based engineering group Lanes for Drains has used Polly-Pigs, the foam based industrial pipeline cleaners supplied by Girard Industries, to root out a blocked...

Pump deal – AxFlow distributes OBL range

AxFlow has started distributing the OBL range of metering pumps. The OBL range consists of spring and full motion, positive return mechanisms, with wet...

Alleviating the cost of flood defences

BELOW ground drainage specialist Burdens has worked with Enviromesh to supply bespoke soil reinforced steel mesh facing units as part of the River Yare...