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Northern Ireland waste firm invests £5m in facility to produce fossil fuel alternative for...

Re-Gen Waste has invested £5m in the development of its existing processing facility

A new waste market is taking shape in Europe, following COVID-19, says recovery firm

Kjetil Vikingstad, CEO of resource recovery specialist Geminor, writes Despite the recent flare-up of the COVID-pandemic in Europe, a number of countries are reporting a...

Including Waste-to-Energy in the EU ETS won’t help sustainable waste management, says trade group

A trade group comprising European suppliers of waste-to-energy technology, ESWET welcomed a recent opportunity to contribute to the EU Emissions Trading System’s revision (EU...

Landfilling, rather than incineration, might be best for low grade waste plastics, says recycling...

With levels of waste plastics rising in the UK as a result of China's National Sword scrap import policies, the debate is picking up...

A brief history of the International Recycling and Recovery Congress, and what’s happening at...

A long-standing international event that offers perspective on recycling on recovery has shifted its focus in recent years, toward waste to energy, and techniques...

Recovery of ultra-fine metal particles from household and industrial waste: Firm opens largest facility...

Suez has opened what it says is the largest facility in the EU for the extraction and recovery of ultra-fine non-ferrous metal particles from...

UK firm partners with Siemens to advance production of energy-from-waste hybrid boiler

In what seems a major step of recognition for the HERU energy-from-waste domestic heating system - a widely lauded clean technology innovation from the...

SEPA figures show recovering recycling rate in Scotland

Statistics published on 27 September by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) reveal some of the impact of COVID-19 polcies on recycling. The figures...

ERF has been “pivotal” in tackling COVID-19 waste, says Veolia

Reduced clinical waste disposal capacity in the UK has been met by rapidly adapting existing facilities Resource management company Veolia says its latest data highlights...

Firm cites significant carbon reductions for using energy recovery facilities to treat clinical waste

Resource management firm Veolia is highlighting how significant emissions reductions can be achieved by using energy recovery facilities, ERF, to dispose of the more...

Legal challenge to exclusion of waste incinerators from post-Brexit emissions trading scheme

A legal challenge has been issued to the Government’s decision to exclude municipal waste incinerators from the UK Emissions Trading Scheme - the replacement...
bin bags in a forest

Black bag blues: Does Scotland have enough incineration capacity?

Ongoing uncertainty about Scotland's ability to deal with its own residual waste - once a ban on landfilling biodegradeable material takes effect on 1 January 2026 - has prompted soul-searching north of the border, and an extensive contemplation of the appropriate role that incineration should play in the waste hierarchy. Envirotec reports.

EU Waste Shipment Regulation should not incentivise landfills capacity

A trade group comprising European suppliers of waste-to-energy technology, ESWET, has welcomed the European Commission’s proposal to revise the waste shipment regulation to reduce...
Reactor tanks

The dead zone

Mikael Khan of environmental consultancy Aqua Enviro, offers a few thoughts on maximising AD plant efficiency and revenues by interrogating mixing performance in reactor tanks.
Black carbon

Short-lived pollutants side event

The World Biogas Association (WBA) is hosting an official side event in the Blue Zone at COP26, exploring the influence of pollutants like black carbon. The UN organisation received 1,110 applications for 240 slots, to host these side events.
Drax power plant

Adding fuel to the fire?

A report from NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) seems to strengthen the case against Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS), currently a key ingredient of the UK government's climate plan.
Wood pulp

Kindling a revolution?

Finding a way to do something more interesting with woody biomass - other than just burning it - is a long-standing grail for biotechnology research. A new artificial enzyme has shown it can chew through lignin, the tough polymer that helps woody plants hold their shape. Lignin has tremendous potential as a source of renewable energy and materials.

Lakeside EfW’s zero-waste-to-landfill status attributed to patented technology

A seemingly pioneering arrangement between Carbon8 Aggregates and the Lakeside Energy from Waste (EfW) facility at Colnbrook in Berkshire has seen the latter achieve...

Award for using AI and spectroscopy to increase waste-to-energy production

A US group is developing a technology combining AI and spectroscopy, to analyze municipal solid waste in-situ and in real-time - a cost- and...

Gasification platform demonstrates renewable gas production from SRF

Located in the heart of “Chemical Valley” in Saint-Fons (Rhône), France, the GAYA semi-industrial Research & Development platform took a historic step forward in...