New look revealed after show success
THE organisers of the Sustainabilitylive! exhibition and conference have declared this year’s event “a resounding success”.
Energy, water, land and sustainable business exhibitions were all...
Mapping a possible future direction for domestic waste
Nik Spencer, founder of HERU, the firm behind "the world's first energy-from-waste hybrid boiler" shares his vision for the technology
When it comes to waste,...
How plasma technology can reduce the environmental impact of disposable vapes
Disposable e-cigarettes or vapes are big business, they are also a big problem for the environment. David Deegan of Tetronics suggests a solution that’s...
Including Waste-to-Energy in the EU ETS won’t help sustainable waste management, says trade group
A trade group comprising European suppliers of waste-to-energy technology, ESWET welcomed a recent opportunity to contribute to the EU Emissions Trading System’s revision (EU...
Sponsored content: Wind of change blows through EfW emissions
John Whitehurst, UK business manager with minerals and lime producer Lhoist, offers predictions on how new recycling and reuse targets will affect the types...
Pyrolysis will convert poultry waste to biochar in major UK carbon removal project
Onnu “will prevent phosphorous run-off and turn a problem into a revenue stream for farmers”
Aston University spin-off firm Onnu has announced plans to build...
SEPA figures show recovering recycling rate in Scotland
Statistics published on 27 September by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) reveal some of the impact of COVID-19 polcies on recycling. The figures...
Government funding for project to supply Africa with electricity from waste
An Earth Observation Innovation team from the University of Leicester is collaborating with UK energy-from-waste-biomass firm PyroGenesys and a number of UK and international...
Guide warns incinerator GHG emissions often worse than predicted
The United Kingdom Without Incineration Network (UKWIN) launched a good practice guide in July, intended to help with assessing the greenhouse gas (GHG) impacts...
Shredder investment reduces fuel consumption by 60% at Waste to Energy plant
Construction and commercial waste management specialist Rabbit Waste Management has more than halved the energy required to power its shredding line, resulting in cost...
German CO2 tax will change European waste streams
Commentary from recycling company Geminor
The national BEHG tax on CO2 emissions, which is likely to be introduced from the new year, will be imposed...
Isle of Portland to host UK’s first carbon neutral EfW facility
The directors of Powerfuel Portland - a firm aiming to deliver a proposed Energy Recovery Facility (ERF) at Portland Port on the Isle of...
EfW trade groups offer reaction to first draft waste incineration BREFs
A joint press release from three important trade organisations in the energy-from-waste sector offers a reaction to the first draft (D1) of the reference...
Viridor all set
CONSTRUCTION of a £200m energy from waste (EfW) facility in Scotland is expected to begin in 2013 after Viridor won permission to normalise waste...
Manifesto outlines energy from waste industry opporunities
An updated renewable energy from waste manifesto has been released by Privilege Finance, following a series of monumental changes which have impacted the industry...
New ‘Green’ waste site applications down 20% in a year as local authority spending...
The number of planning applications to build new environmentally-friendly waste management sites has dropped by 20% in a year, to 189 in 2015/16 from...
Brazilian study suggests better ways of managing MSW
Researchers analyzed solutions implemented in four very different Brazilian cities. Based on the results, they propose the creation of a national carbon credit fund...
Lakeside EfW’s zero-waste-to-landfill status attributed to patented technology
A seemingly pioneering arrangement between Carbon8 Aggregates and the Lakeside Energy from Waste (EfW) facility at Colnbrook in Berkshire has seen the latter achieve...
Reverse osmosis (RO) and electrodeionisation (EDI) system goes live at Surrey EfW plant
An Eco MultiPro reverse osmosis (RO) and electrodeionisation (EDI) system from Envirogen Group is supplying the purified, demineralised water required for Surrey County Council’s...
Firm wins £1m+ contract to provide demineralised water for new EfW plant in Glasgow
Water and wastewater treatment expert Envirogen Group has been awarded a £1m+ contract by Fortum Glasgow to demineralise water for the boilers at its...